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The Brotherhood Cycle  

When three Templar knights met with messengers from the besieged city of Carcassonne in 1244 they started a chain of events that culminated in the death of their Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, in Paris in 1314. But who could truly be powerful enough to take on the Knights Templar and defeat them?

The Brotherhood of Sion, formed in the Holy Sepulchre Church, on the Eve of the Ascension of the first Christian Ruler of Jerusalem, vowed solemnly to put the ‘Real’ King on the throne in his place.

For over 800 years they have kept watch from the shadows, always searching for the unquestionable proof that shows their claims are true. Now on the verge of a new millennium, they are about to fulfil that destiny…

Many have lost their lives to get to this point but the killing is far from over.